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Hendrik Fagel
Born December 07, 1706
in 's-Gravenhage

Died November 19, 1790
Greffier Fagel

2nd Greffier of the States-General (1742-1744), 1st Greffier of the States-General (1744-1790).1 In 1733 he married Anna Sluysken (1714-1783), with whom he had five daughters and one son.

The 4th Earl of Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, wrote of Fagel that he "had the deepest knowledge of business, and the soundest judgment, of any man I ever knew in my life;"2

  • 1The governmental position of Greffier roughly resembles that of a Secretary of State. Fagel had inherited the position from his uncle, François Fagel (1659-1746).
  • 2In The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, p. 610
Life with Boswell

Boswell met the Greffier Fagel on May 13, 1764, at Count Rhoon's, and afterwards wrote in his journal that the Greffier had seemed pleased with him.